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1466 Hippocrates Way
West Palm Beach, FL, 33411
United States


Supporting a healthy planet and healthy people by making it convenient and economical to get the organic produce for making delicious and nutritious green juice.


Organic Lemons

Welcome the energizing and PH balancing effect of lemons! Lemons are acidic to the taste but alkaline forming in the body.  They have strong antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting powers that assist with weight loss, digestion and liver detoxification.  They are rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoids, citric acid, pectin and limonene which all support the health and vitality of our body. 

They are great first thing in the morning with some warm water and cayenne pepper.  You would squeeze 1/2 of an organic lemon into warm water and add a thin layer of organic cayenne pepper across the top.  Its a great energy booster to the liver (the primary organ of detoxification), the digestive system, and the cellular activity responsible for both metabolism and immune support.